What is TAXImet - Taxi Caller ?
TAXImet - Taxi Caller app is to find the nearest taxi for hire.
To start serching register your TAXImet user account.
You can register by using either email or mobile phone number.
When register using your mobile phone number. The verification code sent by SMS should be entered to complete the registration.
After successful registration taxi map view will be visible. App will ask to enable phone Location to identify your present location.
App will load the nearby taxis on the map according to your present location.
There is a Taxi list view for your convenience.
Using tool bar menus, you can filter taxis by Range, Taxi type and Status.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- To start serching register your TAXImet user account.
- App will load the nearby taxis on the map
- There is a Taxi list view for your convenience.
- Using tool bar menus, you can filter taxis by Range
- Find his phone number to directly call the driver.
TAXImet - Taxi Caller Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities