Free Profile

Lowest Visibility of Your App/Game on the Listing Pages
- App Profile Creation
- Appear in AppsHive Leaderboard
- Total Number of Listing Pages: 5
- Lowest Visibility on Listing Pages
- Dashboard to Monitor App Performance
- AppsHive Badges & Widgets
- Support on Email & Chat
$99/mo $149 /mo

Higher Visibility of Your App/Game on the Listing Pages Than Free Profile
- All the Perks of Free Profile Plus
- Add Unlimited Coupons & Deals
- Total Number of Listing Pages: 10
- Higher Visibility on a Listing Than Free Profile
- Option to Choose a Page for Ranking: 1 Page
- AppsHive Badges & Widgets
- Support on Email & Chat
$199/mo $299 /mo

Higher Visibility of Your App/Game on the Listing Pages Than Standard Profile
- All the Perks of Standard Profile Plus
- Number of Guest Post Allowed: 1/Month
- Total Number of Listing Pages: 15
- Higher Visibility on a Listing Than Free Profile
- Option to Choose a Page for Ranking: 1 Page
- AppsHive Badges & Widgets
- Support on Email & Chat
Most Popular
$149/mo $249 /mo

Highest Visibility of Your App/Game on the Listing Pages Than Other Plans
- Higher rank on location, profession, and category-based listing
- You can choose any number of listing pages to rank on for your category
- Number of guest post 1 /month ( Do follow backlink)
- Mention in our "best apps series video" on AppsHive Youtube channel
- Social Media Marketing of your app
- Add Deals & Offers available on your app
- AppsHive Badge of Category Leader
- Mention in Press Release
- Researched article by us on your industry quoting your app
- An Email to our 10,000+ subscribers
Sponsored Overview
Sponsored membership is one of the most popular and beneficial marketing programs on the AppssHive. It allows App publishers to list their app on a specific review page on AppsHive.
How does It work?
- Enrolling in any sponsorship program will boost your visibility on the Review page you want to rank on.
- When two different app publishers list on the same page, the higher-level sponsor will be shown above the other.
- The same bidder will be placed according to their AppHive Rank.