What is Sky Academy: Learn Astronomy ?
The game is designed to teach the user to recognize all the 88 modern constellations and brightest stars in the night sky by taking them through a number of levels. Levels are divided into categories (constellations & stars), regions (north, equator, south) and difficulties (easy, medium, hard). Each level teaches only a small number of objects and then trains the knowledge in a quiz game to aid memorization. Later levels also review and retest the knowledge of previously learnt objects.
In each level, you're first given an opportunity to see and memorize the objects (constellations or stars) of that level. Use the arrows to go through all of them, and click 'Start' once you're ready. The description of each object is displayed on the panel at the bottom of the screen. The panel can be expanded by dragging it up to show more details about the object. After clicking “Start”, an object will be shown and you’ll be presented with 4 options. The level ends when you answer a certain number of questions (shown in the top-left corner) correctly. At the end of the level you'll have the opportunity to review the mistakes you’ve made before progressing further. Please note, in challenge levels, no hints are available and you are given only a limited number of lives to pass them.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- 123 levels teach, train and test your knowledge of all 88 constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union
- 180 levels teach, train and test your knowledge of 150+ brightest stars of the sky
- Create your own list of constellations and stars for learning and practice
- Save and load your personal presets
- Three training and testing modes for each level