What is GetPodcast ?
GetPodcast - The simple & intuitive podcast player. All your favorite podcasts in one app - Discover a variety of podcasts and episodes with the GetPodcast app. Completely free
THE PODCAST PLAYER Our podcast player allows you to adjust the playback speed according to your individual listening pleasure. You can subscribe to each episode directly via the podcast player or download it for offline listening. Would you like to hear a passage from an episode again? Then you can use the rewind function for 15 seconds and if you want to fall asleep with GetPodcast, just use the sleep timer. Our podcast player has everything your heart desires.

Other Info
Language supported
- Danish,
- Dutch,
- English,
- French,
- German,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Korean,
- Polish,
- Portuguese,
- Russian,
- Spanish,
- Swedish,
Pricing model
- Free
- Listen to your podcasts online and offline
- Supports Apple CarPlay, Airplay and DarkMode
- Easily manage your podcasts
- Discover New Podcasts
- GetPodcast search you will always find the right content,
- Supports the VoiceOver feature and supports Apple's
GetPodcast Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities