What is Daily Planner with Calendar ?
App Store 1st place (Pie chart schedule management app ranking in Japan *).
A free schedule management app that manages your daily schedule in a 24-hour pie chart.
Full of functions such as total time calculation and graph transition display.
▼ For daily schedule management and visualization of records to look back on the day ▼
Enter your 24-hour schedule for the next day and have a meaningful day.
With automatic analysis, you can also display the total time and bar graph, so you can look back on the schedule of the day at the end of the day.
You can visualize the wasted time, improve your vague life, and spend a well-balanced day toward your goals.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Daily schedule management and visualization of records
- Pie chart
- Automatic total time
- Transition by bar graph
- List display
- Over 100 colors
- Time is in 5 minute increments
- Notification function
Daily Planner with Calendar Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities