What is Xoom Money Transfer ?
We get it. You want to send money to friends and family around the world, quickly and conveniently. That’s why PayPal brings you Xoom.
Xoom is a fast and secure way to send money directly to banks and cash pick up locations abroad. You can even reload phones and pay utility bills in other countries right from your mobile device.
We give you the power to move your money amazingly fast.
Other Info
Language supported
- Dutch,
- English,
- French,
- German,
- Hungarian,
- Italian,
- Korean,
- Polish,
- Portuguese,
- Romanian,
- Russian,
- Simplified Chinese,
- Spanish,
- Vietnamese,
Pricing model
- Free
- Send money abroad fast
- Send it again even faster
- Reload phones instantly
- Get text updates and access to help
Xoom Money Transfer Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities