What is Wedding Planner by The Knot ?
Planning a wedding? The Knot will walk you through it every step of the way with our totally free, #1 rated wedding planning app. It’s so easy (and fun!) to create and manage your:
Wedding Countdown: Celebrate getting closer to your wedding, day by day. (Yay!)
Wedding Vendors: Find the best local vendors and wedding venues who can bring your day to life. Read reviews and contact vendors right from the app.
Wedding Website: Set up your site in a snap with our free, easy-to-customize wedding websites. Share your wedding details and registry and collect RSVPs the easy way. Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs—you can even match your invites.
Wedding Registry: The registry you and your guests will love. Easily add gifts from The Knot Registry Store (or anywhere else!), gift cards, honeymoon funds, experiences, cash funds and more. It’s the only registry that automatically syncs your registry gifts from top retailers directly to your wedding website. Plus, free shipping and returns from The Knot Registry Store and a post-wedding discount.
Wedding Guest List & RSVPs: Get everything you need to manage and talk to guests—from easy address collection to automatic RSVP tracking.
Wedding Checklist: Get a customized checklist and timeline of to-dos so you’ll always know what to do and when. Add, remove or reorder tasks so it works best for you.
Wedding Budgeter: Set your wedding budget and we’ll do the math for you. See estimated costs for each vendor based on your overall budget and keep your spending on track.
Wedding Vision: Take the Style Quiz to get personalized style, colors and decor ideas. Add photos from your phone or computer, then send to your list of recommended vendors in a click.
Ready to start planning with the best wedding app out there? Download Wedding Planner by The Knot today.
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Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Wedding Checklist
- Wedding Budgeter