What is Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast ?
Morecast - Weather Forecast with Radar & Widget is your personal weather companion, that helps you prepare for upcoming Snow Storms, Rain, Heat and other severe weather conditions.
1. Temperature: in °F or °C for the current temperature, daily maximum and minimum and hourly forecasts
2. Wind: Wind direction and wind speed in mph, km/h or knots
3. Precipitation: By the minute precipitation, storm tracker with rain and snow probability and amount in inches, mm or l/m²
4. Humidity: By the hour in %
5. Cloud coverage: Actual and forecasted cloud coverage in % on graphs
6. Sunshine Duration: The amount of sunshine for today and the next 7 days.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Pinpoint Weather
- Weather Radar
- Storm Tracker
- Customizable Weather Widget
- Weather Graphs
- Live Webcams
- Navigation with On-Route Weather
- Weather Community
Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities