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TravelPirates Flights & Hotels
Travel & Local
Holidaypirates GmbH
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What is TravelPirates Flights & Hotels ?
Whether you’re looking for a last minute beach holiday, discounts on train tickets, rental cars, or cheap flights with a budget airline, HolidayPirates has you covered! We're constantly scouring the web to find you the very best travel deals for holiday packages, flights, hotels & more!
How does the HolidayPirates App work?
STEP 1 – We find the best trips by identifying combinations of flights, hotels or holiday packages with the best price value
STEP 2 – We post these travel deals on our HolidayPirates App, including customisation options such as departure airports, destinations, and travel dates
STEP 3 – You book – the faster the better as the best deals expire quickly!

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Hottest Travel Deals
- Travel Deal Categories
- Use Our Search Engine
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- Use the Filters
- We're There for You
TravelPirates Flights & Hotels Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities