myBOY - Gay Chat & Dating

Timm Kent

What is myBOY - Gay Chat & Dating ?

myBOY users have BIG profiles and many pictures, because the more details a profile has, the higher the myBOY SCORE. So make sure you upload a lot of pictures and give as much detail about yourself as you can. You can search more profiles with a higher myBOY SCORE.

myBOY encourages people to bring more detail to their profile by introducing the world's unique myBOY SCORE system.

myBOY also lets people chat more: every word a user enters into a chat gets points. So be careful! People will not stop sending you messages!


  • iOS



Pricing model

  • Free


  • Browse unlimited, great profiles
  • Find your Boy
  • Filter profiles by location
  • Filter profiles of myBOY SCORE
  • Show your pictures only when you are online
  • Blur your exact location

myBOY - Gay Chat & Dating Contains/promotes :

  • Sexuality
  • Depiction of Illegal Drug
  • Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities