What is My Stocks Portfolio & Widget ?
View real-time stocks and monitor your stock portfolios in the stock market.
- Real-time stocks for US and some international markets
- Enter your stock portfolio holdings and quickly monitor changes
- Enter sales, dividends, shorts, and track metrics like unrealized gains and realized gains using FIFO accounting
- View annualized gains across all portfolios and stocks brokerages
- Track currencies across different currencies and convert them to a home currency
- Widget support that displays your watch lists as well as holdings
- Unlimited number of portfolios
- View historical data for each stock in beautiful full-screen charts that supports pinch-zoom, pinball, and dragging
- View news for each quote in your portfolio
- View overall market news
- Backup and restore your data via CSV
- Dark and light theme
- Many configurable options, such as setting the precision for quotes and holdings
- Password protection

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Real-time stocks for US and some international markets
- Enter your stock portfolio holdings and quickly monitor changes
- Enter sales, dividends, shorts, and track metrics like unrealized gains
- View annualized gains across all portfolios and stocks brokerages
- Widget support that displays your watch lists as well as holdings
- Unlimited number of portfolios
- View news for each quote in your portfolio
- View overall market news
My Stocks Portfolio & Widget Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities