What is MWeather - Weather Forecast ?
The beautiful and accurate weather app. Now available for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
MWeather is a weather app that shows you the hourly weather for the next 7 days in a beautiful and clear way. With the hourly and daily forecast in diagram style you see the course of the weather at a glance and the background image shows the current weather condition with a beautiful picture.
With the integrated MWeather Apple Watch app you have a full fledged weather app on your wrist. Hourly and daily forecasts for up to 7 days.
App Features:
- Current weather
- Hourly forecast for up to 7 days
- Daily forecast for up to 7 days
- Clear presentation with a diagram style
- Background image for the current weather condition (in P3 wide color)
- Light / Dark Mode (>= iOS 13)
- Today Extension / Widget
- Apple Watch App with customizable Complications for all watch faces
- iCloud Sync for settings and locations
- Local or System Time
- Save up to 8 locations
- Dynamic Location
- tvOS App (sold separately)
- macOS App (sold separately)
Weather Features:
- Current temperature
- Current condition
- High / Low temperature
- Rain probability
- Sunrise / Sunset time
- Current Feels Like temperature
- Humidity
- Wind speed and direction
- Amount of rain
- UV Index
- Moon phase
- Day Summary
Weather Data powered by DarkSky.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
- French,
- German,
- Italian,
- Spanish,
Pricing model
- Paid
- Current weather
- Hourly forecast for up to 7 days
- Daily forecast for up to 7 days
- Clear presentation with a diagram style
- Background image for the current weather condition
- Light / Dark Mode
- Local or System Time
- Current temperature & condition
- Rain probability
- Wind speed and direction
MWeather - Weather Forecast Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities