What is Jomo: Shop.Wear.Live ?
Jomo is Pakistan’s Premium E-Commerce Marketplace providing the best products and experience.
Bringing the Joy of Shopping to your Smartphones:
Register and get access to personalized notifications for exciting deals. Whenever new promotions kick in, you’re the first person to know! Browse through multiple categories and find products that are tailored to your style. We have 50+ Brands onboard so that there is something for everyone.

Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- In-App Shopping- Enjoy free shipping in 48 hours
- Product Recommendations
- For Everyone-The latest in women’s, men’s, and kid’s apparel
- New Releases
- Offers and Promos
- State of the art packaging
Jomo: Shop.Wear.Live Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities