What is imo video calls and chat HD ?
Message and video chat with your friends and family for FREE, no matter what device they are on!
- Encrypted high-quality Video and Voice calls
- Encrypted Group Video and Voice calls with up to 6 participants
- FREE and unlimited encrypted messages and video and voice calls over your 2G, 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connection*
- Group chat with friends, family, roommates and others
- Fast photo and video sharing
- Hundreds of free stickers!
- Avoid SMS and phone call charges
Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- High-quality video and voice calls on Android and iPhone
- Free and unlimited messages and video and voice calls
- Group video calls with friends, family and others
- Fast photo and video sharing
- Hundreds of free stickers!
imo video calls and chat HD Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities