What is imhd.sk ?
Timetables and always up-to-date information about public transport in Slovakia - this is not only provided by the application of the popular imhd.sk portal. The route planner in the app allows you to find the best connection between two points. You will not miss all important information about public transport, such as ticket prices, changes in traffic and current road closures. Selected cities offer information on the current state of traffic in real time. The functionalities of the application include:
Journey planner
Maps and route diagrams
Ticket prices
News from public transport
Virtual stop board (for selected cities)
History and future of public transport
Vehicle information
Diskusné fóra
Timetables and always up-to-date information on public transport in Slovakia – these are only some of the imhd.sk app features. The route planner in the app allows you to find the best connection between two points. You will not miss all the important information about public transport, such as ticket prices, changes in transport and current detours. Information on the current state of transport in real time is available in selected cities. Application functionalities include:
Journey planner
Ticket prices
Public transport news
Virtual stop departures (for selected cities)
History and future of public transport
Information on vehicles
Discussion forums
Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Maps and route diagrams
- History and future of public transport