What is HelloChinese - Learn Chinese ?
HelloChinese is the best Mandarin Chinese learning app for beginners!
Featured on the App Store in New Apps We Love and Notable Education Apps!
Designed in a fun and highly effective way, it helps you learn Chinese Mandarin fast from zero to a conversational level. With HelloChinese, learners can “learn Chinese language, explore Chinese culture” – you not only learn Mandarin Chinese, but also enjoy the process of exploring the culture behind the language.
Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- #1 Chinese Learning App
- Game Based
- Over 2,000 videos
- Speech Recognition
- Handwriting
- Offline accessibility
- Simplified and traditional Chinese are both supported
HelloChinese - Learn Chinese Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities