What is Food calorie count calculator ?
Quick calculation of the diet menu. Caloric content of products, calorie counter for weight loss and diet. Calorie equivalent, foodstuff index, count.
Calculator of food calories counting
If you want to count calories of food or calories of physical activity, this application is what you need! Our calorie counter allows you to calculate your menu or physical sport work performed for a day or an hour. The calorie counter shows how many calories you will get in 1 gram of food (sometimes in 1 piece), and how much you will spend on calories per 1 minute of exercise. If you click on the blue button with a cross, then the previous values will be removed, except for this page.
Caloric content of products is now very easy to calculate. Enter your numerical values, and our application will do all the necessary calculations.
Here you will find:
• caloric content of meat and eggs;
• caloric content of fish and seafood;
• Caloric value of dairy products;
• caloric content of oils and sauces;
• caloric content of cereals and flour products;
• caloric value of dishes from vegetables;
• calorie content of fruits and berries;
• Caloric content of juices and drinks;
• Caloric value of salads;
• The cost of calories in sports.
Calorie counter weight set allows you to learn how much you will get calories from eating to maintain vitality for the whole day, and how much you will spend calories in the sport.
Calorie counter weight loss allows you to find out how much you will spend calories when doing such as sports games, yoga, running, bowling, tennis, squash, swimming and others. Calculating caloric content will help you lose weight and keep your figure in good condition.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Caloric content of products is now very easy to calculate
- Caloric content of fish and seafood
- Caloric value of dairy products
- Caloric content of oils and sauces
- Caloric value of dishes from vegetables
- Caloric content of juices and drinks
Food calorie count calculator Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities