What is English Dictionary ?
English Dictionary is offline and free it’s developed by EagleTech. This app have words database which contains more than 200,000 words and their Type, Definition, Antonym and Synonym.
Our comprehensive word selection and simple search options will have you using this app every day. This app will expand your English vocabulary or find just the right word to complete your task.
It’s contains largest collections of words type, definition, synonyms and antonyms featuring pronunciation, it includes not only single terms but phrases and complete colloquial proverbs. This wide-ranging collection of terminology is intended to be a professional writing aid for native speakers and a reliable tool for those learning the English language.
The English Dictionary new feature which make this English Dictionary efficient from other is when you touch in meaning detail on any word English Dictionary app will show the whole Dictionary of touched word.
The new and Advance text recognition OCR tool is used to scan text from images in gallery or either take via real camera to scan difficult word and look in app for Dictionary. This will help to without entering the whole spelling app will automatically detect and show Dictionary.
Get help spelling and learning new words: Use voice-search to find dictionary definitions without typing a single word.
Discover synonyms and antonyms in the Dictionary: to prepare for test.
Say new words correctly with in-app pronunciations.
Find definitions, learn spelling, study grammar, and practice pronunciation; all within one app. Explore a host of education features designed to help you pick up new vocabulary, including, speaking, UK and US different pronunciation, adding new words, language trends, and more
Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- Totally offline with over 300,000 common words
- Smallest offline Dictionary with less than 4.5 MB download
- Advance ML kit for Text Recognition
- Search for different words
- New OCR ML kit to scan text on real object for looking Dictionary
- Setting tab to change Production accent
- Select image from gallery for difficult word
- Scan via camera and look for Dictionary
- Suggested word list contain button to pronounce word
- Touch word in to look for Dictionary
English Dictionary Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities