Easy Japanese

Binary Inc

What is Easy Japanese ?

 "Easy Japanese" is a program of Japanese language lessons produced by Japan's public broadcaster, NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN.

 Learning Japanese easily through audio lessons. This feature need the internet connection but it can help you learn Japanese communication easily.

 Learning Japanese conversation with common phrases and sentences.

 Learning new vocabulary in each lesson. Each lesson has about 5 to 15 vocabulary with explanation. This help you learn new vocabulary more easily.

 Learning Japanese grammar. Each lesson has some grammar points.

 Learning Japanese in 17 languages

 Learning Japanese Alphabet (Hiragana and Katana)

[Sound Words] imitative words describing persons or things are introduced with audio and illustrations.

 [Teach Us, Teacher] The supervisor of lessons- Assoc. Prof. Akane Tokunaga will explain important points in the lesson.

 This app help you read and listen to daily news provided by NHK NEWS WEB EASY in very simple Japanese.

 Reading Japanese news with full add-ons: hide the furigana, highlight important words in the article, underline the vocabulary by JLPT level N5, N4, N3, N2, and N1; analyze the grammar structure of the article, change the font size.

 Listen audio: adjust audio speed, change the reading voice.

 Watch the video: practice listening and learning Japanese culture.

 Fast & Accurate Japanese Translation

 Reading news with full add-ons: hide the furigana, highlight the important words, underline the vocabulary by JLPT level, analyze grammar structure, change font size.

 Listening to audio: you can adjust audio speed and change reading voice.

 Watching video: listening and learning more about Japanese culture.

"Easy Japanese" is an application based on one of the most popular programs on Radio Japan- "Easy Japanese".


  • Android


Language supported

  • English,
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Pricing model

  • Freemium


  • Learning Japanese Alphabet (Hiragana and Katana)
  • Listen audio: adjust audio speed, change the reading voice.