What is Cuvva ?
What if you could save up to a third on your car insurance? Try Smart Pricing today.
Join over 500,000 drivers getting fast and flexible insurance with Cuvva. Get fully comp car insurance, 1 minute response times from customer support and stats about your driving all in one place.
From hourly and daily policies to rolling monthly cover, our insurance is simple and hassle-free. The better you drive, the less you pay. We’ll give you 10% off immediately while we work out your Smart Price.
Other Info
Pricing model
- Free
- Insurance for whatever, whenever
- Cancel whenever. For free
- Save up to a third with Smart Pricing
- Sort it all from your phone
- Get insights into your driving
Cuvva Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities