What is Converter Plus [paid] ?
Converter+ is a unit converter with the most extensive list of currencies and units in hundreds of categories. Converter Plus also comes with many calculators like mortgage, loan, tip, fuel consumption and many others for everyday problems.
You can edit existing templates, add your own or download templates contributed by other users.
Exchange rates for all 167 world's currencies is refreshed automatically every 6 hours or on request.
Converter Plus ships with more than 100 categories, including:
* Area, Cooking, Coordinates, Energy and Work, Frequency, Gas Mileage, Length - Distance, Power, Pressure, Temperature, Velocity, Speed, Volume - Capacity, Weight - Mass...
* Currency (167 currencies), Inflation 1980-2010 (US), Savings. Loan, Mortgage, Energy Expense, Fuel Economy, Sales Tax, Tip Calculators…
* Computer Data (Bytes, MB, KB, GB), Data Transfer, Radix (Hex, Oct, Bin)
* Many scientific unit categories
Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Paid
- Converting multiple units/currencies simultaneously
- Support for compound units like Pounds-Ounces or Feet-Inches
- Full text search to quickly locate categories and units
- Built-in standard calculator
- Favorite list
- Automatic currency exchange rate refresh
- Ability to edit units/templates and sharing the templates via email
- Ability to download templates from the Converter Plus catalog on the internet
Converter Plus [paid] Contains/promotes :
- Sexuality
- Depiction of Illegal Drug
- Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities