Centi PRO - Currency Converter


What is Centi PRO - Currency Converter ?

Centi is a simple and fast currency converter, providing up-to-date exchange rate information for over 170+ currencies and countries. It has a beautiful interface for quick access to conversions you need. Centi Currency Converter great for traveling abroad or for watching foreign markets.

- Night Theme
- Set Wi-Fi only data download
- Set the frequency of rate updates
- Turn currency symbols on or off
- Choose the number of decimals to display

-- Simple Interface --
Centi has a clean and simple interface, saves time, and increases productivity.

-- Charts --
You can view historical currency conversion charts for any two currencies. Charts for most currencies are available for 1-day, 5-days, 3-months, 1-year, 2-years and 5-years.

-- Exchange Rates Updates --
Our app updates Exchange Rates on demand, or automatically at pre-defined intervals ranging from 1 hour to 1 day. The exchange rates will be cached locally when you have the internet connection, so you can use this app with the cached rates when there is no internet connection.

-- Exchange Rates Listing --
The exchange rates listing shows a base currency compared to all other currencies, similar to the electronic exchange rate boards.

-- Exchange Rates Provider --
Centi Currency Converter uses official exchange rates published on Yahoo! Yahoo Finance rates are trusted by millions of people.



  • Android


Language supported

  • English,
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Pricing model

  • Paid


  • Convert over 170+ currencies and exchange rates
  • Widgets
  • Create a custom currency -price, name, country, flag, symbol and code
  • Data download only when you use the app
  • No background data download and no background services
  • Ready to work offline-Stores last updated exchange rates for offline use
  • Copy calculation results
  • Historical Currency Charts
  • You can add as many currencies as you want

Centi PRO - Currency Converter Contains/promotes :

  • Sexuality
  • Depiction of Illegal Drug
  • Promotion of age-restricted products/Activities