What is BiggerPockets ?
BiggerPockets is the Real Estate Investing Social Network, Information Hub and Marketplace
BiggerPockets is one of the most respected online real estate networking and information resource platforms, created for professionals, investors, homeowners, and other aficionados. With over 1 million members over and tens of thousands of articles, BiggerPockets is changing an industry, one investor at a time.
Our mission is to help educate people in all aspects of real estate and real estate investing and to provide tools, data, and resources to enhance real estate knowledge, networking, dealmaking, marketing, and other day to day real estate activities.
The App will provide members with keyword notifications. To activate keyword notifications go to the main menu after logging in and tap the settings in the top right corner, then click "Turn On Keyword Notifications" to start receiving alerts. More updates will be coming soon.

Other Info
Language supported
- English,
Pricing model
- Free
- The main menu after logging in and tap the settings
- The App will provide members with keyword notifications
- professionals, investors, homeowners, and other aficionado