Air quality app & AQI widget

Elecont software

What is Air quality app & AQI widget ?

eAirQuality displays air quality index (AQI), air pollution and air matters on a map and in widgets. Concentrations of pollutants in the air are displayed from various sources: AirNow, Copernicus, ECMWF, etc.

eAirQuality displays concentrations of fine particulate matter PM10, coarse particulate matter PM2.5, nitrogen oxide NO, sulfur dioxide SO2, ozone O3 and other substances.

eAirQuality uses several data providers. Therefore you can compare data from different sources.


  • Android


  • Android Tablet

    Android Tablet

Language supported

  • English,
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Pricing model

  • Free


  • air pollution and air matters on a map and in widgets
  • coarse particulate matter PM2.5
  • a graph of changes over the last 24 hours