
AppsHive App Is Launching Soon : Boost Your App Downloads by 43% With Our AI Technology

Apr 27, 2023

By AppsHive Team

AppsHive App Launching Soon

Aiming for ‘1 million + downloads’ on your app? There’s a way for you to boost app downloads with the AppsHive app. Want to know how? 

‘App is coming soon on Play Store & App Store!’ - Since your curiosity has been piqued, let us check how our app can help you grow yours! 😉

Brief of Existing AppsHive Website

Our USP is to rank applications based on three different categories: 

  1. Profession: Get a chance to be listed in our occupation-based listicles. 
  2. Location: Make multiple cities, states & countries a part of your app marketing strategy. 
  3. Category: Let the users find you in multiple categories & sub-categories on our platform. 

Stay ahead of your industry’s competitor apps with our help!

Why Did We Plan to Create & Launch an App?

If you have registered your app with us, you already know we have an existing website. So, what was the need to launch an app? 

Here are the reasons that led us to plan AppsHive app development! 

  • Here’s a comparison (approximate figures): 

    Total world population = 8 billion in 2023 

    Total mobile users = 6.8 billion in 2023 

    Expected total mobile users = 7.8 billion in 2028 

  • Below is a table displaying country-wise statistics of smartphone users.


    country-wise statistics of smartphone users


The figure is certainly enormous! So, what are these users even doing on their phones? Well, 88% of mobile time is spent on using applications. So, how to optimize this?

Feature Highlights for the End Users of AppsHive App

1. Filters


Alongside the three filters available on the website for all, we have added more filters and sub-filters for registered users in the app. With this, they can sort and find their desired apps. 

Are you excited to discover how this all-in-one marketing app platform will help your app? You will love how our traffic converts into your app’s users.

2. Compare Apps on Various Parameters

Compare Apps on Various Parameters

We often read on the net about LuckyCrush Alternatives or look for a comparative article like Rover vs Wag before downloading the app. This is because we always want to download the best app only! 

After registering as a user on this app, you can compare 2 or 3 applications' features to understand them better. This also aids in attaining a detailed view of the same industry‘s applications.

3. . App Library

App Library

Has this happened to you before? You want to download an app on your phone. But your phone’s storage capacity is not enough. 

Typically, what do users do in such a situation? 

We have integrated an app library to help your users remember their favorite apps and keep them safe. They can use it to save all the apps of their choice or would like to use them in the future. 

With this app library, prevent losing app users due to low mobile storage. They can always remember you.

4. Push Notifications About Informative Blogs

Push Notifications

You can stay updated on the various industry insights with blogs that cover all trending applications and their analysis. 

Still Not Convinced With Why Should You Register on Our Platform? Take a look at the next section!

App Owners Can Expect to Leverage These Benefits from Website

P.S. - We will launch a separate wholesome app for our dearest registered app owners! 

Did you know that after registering yourself on our application, you can enjoy these benefits:

1. App Promotion

Upon signing the sponsorship plan, we will help you promote your app in several ways! 

We plan our marketing strategy well in advance! Our team will mention your app in numerous documents, inclusive of: 

  • Mentions in third-party guest posts 
  • Monthly press releases 
  • Weekly newsletters 

Do you know what this means? You’ll leverage our 10,000+ user traffic!

2. Fill Out the Full Form for Improved Ranking

Form for Improved Ranking

If the user fills out the complete form, it will help the app rank on the top pages. 

The more the user fills out the form sections, the better the app ranks in our lists. 

Remember! Filling out the complete form brings you closer to the criteria if ranking higher! 

Below are the various sections of your app profile that you can optimize. 

Tip! 💡 - We recommend you complete the complete for maximum results!

3. Accolation Badges

Accolation Badges

Being a registered app owner on our website, you can request and earn visibility and media recognition badges and awards. 

You can flaunt these badges of appreciation and win customer trust and faith. 

Request and earn media recognition by putting various badges on your app front. Flaunt your way!

4. App Owner Dashboard

4. App Owner Dashboard

Being the application owner, you deserve to know the essential statistics. Considering this fact, we have created a dashboard for you. This will help you check out how many users on our app visited your profile and downloaded it on their Android or iOS devices, how many apps were compared with yours, the source link from where the user came on your app, etc. 

Here’s a sneak peek into the app dashboard.

5. Show Deals & Ongoing Offers

Deals & Ongoing Offers

Are you a grocery or food delivery app that has actively available coupons? Or do you own a paid productivity app with various offers on your subscription plans? 

Regardless of the app type, you can request a special display of your app’s offers on the storefront, and we will be happy to do so for you.

How can I get sponsored in the upcoming AppsHive app?

Update stats, reviews, and ratings & then contact us via our Contact Us page. Our team will assist you further!

Why should I list my mobile app on the AppsHive app?

AppsHive is a unique app ranking platform that lists apps in three categories: profession, location & category. Listing your app on AppsHive will help you boost app downloads and many more benefits. List your app today to discover more!

I need help with app registration on AppsHive & verification. Can your team help me?

Yes, list your app here and contact us at for help with registration and discussing sponsor plans.

How can AppsHive help to boost my app ranking on the App Store and Play Store?

By filling out all the tabs of the form by AppsHive, you can improve your app's ranking. This, in turn, will help in boosting the app downloads.

Is there a sponsor plan available?

Yes! You can check out the sponsor plans and their benefits here -


Regardless of your app industry, feel free to list your app on our world's largest directory of apps - AppsHive!

List Your App

Hoping that this blog has guided you through all our application's possible features and benefits. To learn more or get answers to questions, contact our team at

We're always on our toes to help our users! ❤️